Tuesday, June 19, 2012


{the prettiest of the flowers}
If I was to get married again (to the same man, obviously) I think I would plan my wedding around peony season. I can't think of a prettier flower. They are sweet without being precious, exotic without being weird, and delicate without being wimpy. I would like to be described in that way come to think of it! I was devastated to learn that it would be impossible to have them at our late summer nuptials last year.

For the past few summers my mother and I have waited with bated breath for the week when peonies arrive at the market. We have a supplier -- we bring extra cash -- a deal is made -- a centrepiece is born. If we are lucky our peony man will have his wares for three weeks. He warned us that if it gets too warm this will be it -- peonies for one of fifty two weeks. I guess they are pretty particular about their living conditions. When you are as awesome as a peony you can be demanding.

I've been enjoying our bouquet since Saturday and judging by the cool temperatures so far I think we will be in luck for another week of floral bliss.

Quick question: do you say PEE-oh-nee or pe-OH-nee.

I am a PEE-oh-nee girl myself.

Yup I am...

Hard hitting journalism on the old blog tonight. I'm never afraid to ask the tough questions.

I see a Pulitzer in my future if I keep this up...



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